Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Decorations around the Valley

Just some of the Decorations seen around town the week before Christmas. Seems to me a lot of people like the idea of snowmen and polar bears and penguins and big blow up snow globes. Can you imagine not a cowboy santa or blow up cactus to be found? I'm sorry but these items look out of place to me with no snow on the ground or frost on the rooftops.
Check out the brilliance of a Witch still hanging in December, can we say put the Halloween stuff away? Sorry, this is my house and since Fall (see earlier post) has just arrived I believe the witch is an appropriate decoration.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to All

Merry Christmas. Our day was very quiet thanks in huge part to the boys' number one favorite gift, the Wii. It kept them entertained for most of the day, and the good thing is they are not sitting in front of the tv staring at it as they kill aliens or worse, they are up on their feet swinging their arms bowling, and golfing, and fishing. It is actually the first video game system that I can stand to watch them play. Since they have barely played any game except the one that came with it, I believe there will be many weeks of play before they grow tired of this. Or we will at least make it through Winter Break without boredom setting in, I hope. We did manage to go out and take a walk at the water ranch, so there was a little fresh air involved and what appears to be some very intense brotherly conversation.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve at the Zoo

You may be thinking the zoo is a weird place to spend Christmas Eve, but let me tell you it was wonderful. The Phoenix Zoo has put together Zoolights for the holiday season, as I believe many zoos around the country do. After our traditional Christmas Eve dinner at Chili's (don't ask one never knows how these traditions begin), we headed to the zoo. It was a perfect evening to stroll around and enjoy the lights. The weather was in the mid-50s with a slight breeze. There were actually people there in full winter gear, including woolen hats and mittens and I refrained from taking their pictures, well just because it was Christmas and I decided not to make fun of these Southwesterners with their amusing sense of what is cold. The lights were great and there was a walkway lined with trees that had their lights sychronized to the music that was playing. It was great to walk around, get some fresh air and tire out the kids.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

PSA No. 4 - Bake Cookies Day

Today is the official Bake Cookies Day, don't ask how I know I just do. So lucky for me that tomorrow is Pot Luck Day at the office. I baked my now famous (in my own mind) peppermint cookies for all to enjoy. If you weren't able to bake some cookies today, don't despair home-baked cookies are good any day of the year.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Tree that isn't Real

This is the year of the artificial tree, I have been outvoted year after year when it comes to real vs. artificial. Well this year I took things into my own hands and went out and got a fake tree before the voting could take place. This tree came complete with lights and looks as good as any real tree we ever had. The beauty of it is that it doesn't drop needles and doesn't need to be watered. The sad part is it doesn't smell good, but neither did the one we had last year. I think by the time they ship them down here to the desert their scent is gone. Nothing a few well placed pine candles can't handle. So here it is a tree with lights, maybe soon ornaments and who knows what else, hopefully a better picture.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Things I Find Strange - No. 5

You may be thinking, pictures of a store's window display, not so strange. But here is my problem, we are in the desert (see previous post) and I find it strange to pretend that it is going to snow here any time soon, it barely rains. The general perception of this time of year includes snow, and snowflakes, and snowmen and all things associated with a Winter Wonderland, so I find it Strange that they embrace the idea of a snow-filled winter in a place that won't be seeing any snowfall that doesn't melt in a half a second. Yes, I am aware that you can drive 1-2 hours north of here and ski and see snow and play in snow, but not here. For some reason I just find it well Strange.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Things I Find Strange - No. 4

It rained quite a bit in the last couple of weeks, and when I say quite a bit I mean in two weeks of cloudy skies and on and off rain, the accumulation might have reached two inches. Now this is big news and cause for celebration here in the desert. We need the rain, we are running out of water, we must conserve. The park across the street is used for water retention, as are most parks I have seen. This is what it looks like after maybe an hour of light rainfall. All water is directed to the park area. I have seen this park look more like a lake than a park with a little water run-off.

But here is what I find strange, the day after, probably even during the "rain showers" the automatic sprinklers were going off.

Now here in a place where water conservation is cause for rantings in the letters to the editor, we are wasting water trying to have a green lawn. It is a desert for crying out loud, why do we need grass, have they not heard of desert landscaping? The grass is soaked, it does not absorb all that quickly into the ground, yet they continue to water it? I find this very Strange.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Fall has arrived in the Valley

Well it may be December 8th and most of you may have visions of snow and ice and sleeting rain, but not us. Here in the Valley we are just getting to Fall. The leaves on some of the trees are turning colors and the daytime temperatures have dropped to the 60s and low 70s. I am guessing that since we get even the slightest of Fall color that winter is maybe the season we skip and go right to Spring, I will keep you updated on that.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Rant No. 8 - Bathroom Bedlam

The main bathrooms at work are being remodeled, so they have pulled into the back parking lot "luxury porta-potties" if there is such a thing. Actually I think that would be an oxymoron, but I digress. As porta-potties go, they are okay, they flush and have running water to wash your hands, the problem? There are three for women and two for men. Let's just say the office is more women than men and I would estimate that there are 150+ people working there. There is another indoor bathroom that is still in use, it was a women's bathroom and they have made it into a unisex bathroom, the Luxury Porta-Potties are not handicap accessible so I would imagine that is why this was done. Well some genius installed a door handle that locks from the inside. There are women in that office that go in there one or two at a time (it accommodates nine) and they lock the door, I imagine so no men can get in. To say they are ticking me is an understatement, I have in the last three days tried to go to the bathroom at least four times and found it locked. One time there was a line for the porta-potties. Now my issue is if they cannot tolerate the idea of a male entering the washroom while they are in there, they need to use the Luxury suites which are private. If you are wondering why I don't use the Luxury suites, you don't know me very well, plus I have no problem with a person of the opposite sex being in the same restroom facility as me. (end of rant)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Things I Find Strange - No. 3

Cute Christmas outfit, does it really get that cold?
I am finding what I think is a recent trend to walk your dog in a stoller to be quite Strange. You take the dog out for a walk in a stroller? These pictures happen to be from the Tempe Arts Festival, but I have seen it in the mall also. Why must you put your dog in a stroller, isn't the purpose of walking the dog, to let the dog walk? These strollers are not necessarily left over from the kids that no longer need them, some are specifically made for animals. Now that is over the top Strange. The cute little dog in the sweater is so overdressed for this area of the country, cute as it may be, he just doesn't need a sweater. I will admit to putting sweaters on Toodles when it was the middle of winter in Chicago, but I can't imagine a dog needing a sweater at any time in Arizona. And it's not just sweaters, there are many clothing options available for your dog in the stores. There isn't much chance of the dog in this house being dressed in anything, he doesn't even like a bandana around his neck. I am finding the whole thing, well Strange.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Update on Rant No. 7 - Margarita Mayhem

Last night we went to Cantina Laredo, after calling to confirm the liquor license was in place. I am somewhat disappointed to report that I am not able to end my search for a great margarita in this area, however they have just about the best food I have had in a Mexican restaurant since, well since I was at Adobe. (See PSA No. 2) Two salsas are served with the chips, one is warm with a chipotle flavor, the other nice and spicy. The guacamole was made table side and was excellent, we nearly licked the bowl clean. We ordered Enchiladas de Espinaca, which were spinach enchiladas in a creamy poblano sauce, and Shrimp Taquitos which are pretty much self explanatory. We shared the two dinners and I will say those Enchiladas were hands down the best I have ever had. Dessert was also to die for, it was called Mexican Apple Pie and was a slice of apple pie placed on a very hot skillet, topped with cinnamon ice cream and then a Mexican Brandy Butter was poured over the top. The aroma that came from the brandy butter being put on the hot skillet was enough to make the entire restaurant beg for one. In my opinion all this place is lacking is a really good margarita, the margarita was okay but not outstanding and for a place with such outstanding food they must have a margarita to match.
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