Bob, Laura and the kids were out again for a spring ball league, the unfortunate part for them is it rained most of the time they were here. Would never have known they came to the desert for Spring games. Didn't matter to me, because I didn't much care if they could play baseball or not (sorry Bob) and I got to spend more time with all of them. The kids change so quickly at this age and I am very thankful for the time I got to spend with them. They are so cute and sweet and just adored their big cousin, William. He had a blast just hanging out with them too and we can't wait to see them this summer!
At the Heard Museum Grammy's favorite GuacamoleSedona
A few photos from Grandma's annual visit to Arizona. This year we went to the Heard Museum in Phoenix. It is a Native American museum, filled with all sorts of........well museum things. Tons of interesting stuff and if you would like to see more about the museum go here. Then there was the almost obligatory trip to Sedona. Love that place, I was feeling the vortex this time, but I am not sure anyone else was. We had lunch at the mexican cantina, where we seem to lunch most times we are there, the food and more importantly the margaritas were as good as ever. On Grandma's final night here I dragged her and the kids to Freestone Park to take some photos. Seems we always leave that till the end and then I never get any shots of her with the kids and well that's just not right. If you would like to see more photos go here. We love having Grammy come here to visit and are always sad when she leaves, but this was her longest visit yet and maybe next year will be even longer.