I did get to work a little on this one and it was fun with lots of Chicago landmarks all mixed in to create one great collage of a puzzle. This one was taken apart and will be sent with Margaret to Montana to share with Maggie and her family.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas 2012
Merry Christmas! We went over to the water ranch to recreate our Christmas day photo from 2006. We arrive at the spot, rocks still in place, cacti blooming and a dead bird laying by the rock. ICK that was not part of the plan. Pat decides he is going to pick it up and get it out of the way, so I turn my back and start setting up my tripod. Along comes a very nice young woman who informs me that she is pretty good with a camera and would we like her to take our picture, it might be easier than a tripod. So I said sure hahahaha. I can't stop laughing because, well you have to know my family to know that this was a HUGE thing for me to get them to agree to photos, but that didn't include a stranger doing it. hehehehe So we are on the rocks in front of the cacti, not exactly posing how I would have insisted and not the angle I would have done, but we got the photo and she was very nice to offer and take her time to do this. In addition to our "2006 recreation" she thought a nice close together family photo was in order, so she proceeded to pose us and take one. Thank you to the kind woman at the water ranch!
Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Christmas Past - 2008
Christmas 2008
Wow didn't even get a picture of the two boys or the family this Christmas, things are getting pretty bad around here, the holidays are not what they use to be. Maybe next year.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Christmas Past - 2007
Christmas Day 2007
Water Ranch, Gilbert, Arizona
Another warm, sun shiny Christmas Day in the desert. After dinner we headed to the Water Rance at the Riparian Preserve to take a walk. Mike and William found this interesting tree to hang out by. No card sent again this year, at least I couldn't find one.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Christmas Past - 2006
Christmas Day 2006
Water Ranch, Gilbert, Arizona
Our first Christmas in Arizona and if I wasn't big in the Christmas mood before, I sure the heck am not here in the desert. There is nothing Christmasy about it. The best part is not being in subzero temperatures with 5 feet of snow, but then that was the best part of Christmas. Catch22 I guess. We took these photos on Christmas day and sent out New Year's cards this year.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Christmas Past - 2005
Christmas Day 2005
Seeing as this is the best photo I could find from Christmas 2005, I am pretty sure there were no cards this year. I am thinking at least 2 people in this photo will not be happy when they see it.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Christmas Past - 2004
Christmas Day 2004
at our house, Geneva, Illinois
Not sure what my deal was this year, but I could not find a Christmas card and/or photo. I did manage to find this photo which I love. Jack, William, Mike and Liz with Max hanging out on Christmas Day!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Christmas Past - 2003
Christmas photo 2003
I believe this is the year I decided to stop with the Christmas cards and move our annual greetings to the Spring. So here is a photo of all of us on Christmas day at home.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Mesa Arts Center - Dec 9th
Mesa Arts Center had a Holiday Arts fair last weekend. Sunday was a beautiful day in the Valley, cool but not cold, sun was shining but not too hot and just plain good to get out and walk around. There were quite a few vendors selling goods, jewelry and pottery mostly. Art is not just a painting, or a piece of pottery or blown glass it can also take the form of women dressing in silver outfits gliding through the crowd with silver twine balls and sticks and well marching to the beat of their own drummer. We also sat and listened to a salsa band while some of the more talented visitors danced to the beat. All in all another lovely December day!
Milestone on the way Home from the Temple Lights
I must deviate from Christmas postings here to share a big moment in the life of the Silver Bullet. Yep just over 9.5 years old and we have hit 150,000 miles. Time for a new car you say? but why? My good friends at Firestone love me! I keep the van in great working order, the inside is clean and in great shape. The outside might have a few minor dings but hey after 150,000 miles so would you. Should we try for 200,000? only time will tell.
Mesa Temple Lights
Our evening started at the Cheesecake Factory. It has become a tradition when Grandma comes to visit to go here usually on her last night with us, but because Pat was working late her last night here, we decided to go on Tuesday evening and then make a trip to see the Christmas lights at the Mesa Temple. I have heard that they have a magnificent display and often have musical performances going. Well the lights were wonderful, and oh so many. There was a choir singing Christmas songs in one area with lights galore all around them. And then in closer to the temple we walked around this area that every single thing possible was lit. It is a very beautiful display and the lights reflecting in the water were my favorites.
William is cheating here he is not that tall.
This is my favorite shot with the reflection of the temple.
It was a very lovely evening, the weather was perfect for walking around and it wasn't too crowded. I will add this to my list of must-dos at the holiday time.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Christmas Past - 1999
Christmas photo 1999
taken at Charlestowne Mall
St. Charles, Illinois
December 1999 was the month of the flu in our house and I am not even sure a Christmas card was sent out. If one was though, chances are it looked something like this.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Christmas Past - 1998
Christmas photo sent in cards 1998
taken at Christmas display in Charlestowne Mall,
St. Charles, Illinois
Monday, December 10, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Holiday Balloon Glow
SanTan Village held their 2nd annual holiday balloon glow. I love hot air balloons. I have decided to add a Hot Air Balloon ride to my bucket list. We arrived early in the evening when they were just starting to set up and there were maybe only four or five up. By the end of the evening there were at least twenty maybe more. I don't know because I didn't get a chance to walk around and see all of them and they were in such a small space for so many that it was just balloon bumping into balloon.
William and Pat
William, Margaret and Pat
Pat, Margaret and me
In addition to all the balloons, they had arts/crafts vendors and jumpy, bouncy ride things for the kids to play on. We had dinner at Cantina Laredo and when we were done, the place was beyond packed with balloons and people. It was a beautiful evening and lots of fun to walk around! I think this will be added to my list of annual events to attend.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
It's the Holiday Season
Trying to get in the Holiday Spirit has never been an easy task for me. It was a lot easier when the kids were younger and full of wonder and excitement. Sooooo to get things going here I have created a December header from some of my favorite Christmas items and I will be featuring what I will call the "20 Days of Christmas". Look for it here starting December 6th.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Happy 80th Birthday, Mom!
A big birthday flare for 80 years!
Mom with 4 of 5 children
Mom with 3 of 4 inlaws.
Yes, I do believe Debbie and Laura planned that matching shirt thing they have going there.
Mom with the Nanos family.
Mom with 3 of 8 grandchildren.
Me with Frank and Lyla.
Yes, I know it's not my birthday but these two are so cute, I just couldn't resist a picture of them with me. Look at those missing teeth on Frank and Miss Lyla with her sparkly hat. Adorable!
Happy Birthday, Mom! I hope it was a good one! love, nancy
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Sedona Hike - Huckaby Trail
Hiking season is here! This beautiful Sunday morning had us up at 5AM to get to Sedona to hike before it got too hot. Sedona is probably my favorite hiking spot in this state so far. I haven't hiked the the Grand Canyon yet, I am sure I will love that, but don't think I will love it more than Sedona. I am not one to buy into that whole "vortex" thing that goes on there, however, I do feel a certain calm and sense of peace when I am there. The natural beauty of the area is amazing to me and I love to hike early when there is hardly anyone else on the trail. To say I do not like my peace being disturbed is putting it mildly. I don't like people talking or kids screaming or whining or dogs barking, I like to lose myself in the sense of being alone in the wilderness.
This particular trail was approximately 5 miles round trip. We went down into Oak Creek Canyon, I love hiking near the creek. You can hear the water rushing, you are down in the canyon and can't hear or for the most part see any other part of civilization. We also managed to pick up a cache while on this hike. Pat found the cache, it was in a hollowed out old juniper tree, high above the city of Sedona. It is always fun to be able to combine a cache with a nice hike.
After we finished hiking, we headed over to El Rincon for a little lunch. This place has one of the best margaritas EVER. The food is excellent also. I had a blue corn crusted chile relleno and Pat had a green chile burrito. It is a great place to refresh after the hike. It might be my go-to place after a good hike in Sedona, as it is where Mary and I went after one of our very long hikes last spring.
One last stop on our way home was the Rock Springs Cafe. We see the signs on the highway every time we travel up north, and Pat has always said some day he was going to stop for a pie. They have world famous pies (they wouldn't lie would they?). Well, today was the day. Rock Springs Cafe is conveniently located with an easy off and back on to Route 17. A Tennessee Lemon pie was the choice and back on the road we were.
Can't wait for the next hike!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Dia de los Muertos
We spent a warm, sunny Sunday at the Dia de los Muertos Festival in Mesa. The end of October is when I can finally tolerate being outdoors and this is always a fun festival to walk around - everything is so colorful. There are vendors with day of the dead items for sale. There are altars set up to look at, there is even an altar contest. There is food and music. There is people watching. Some come in costumes, some only paint their face. Whatever they do I could sit (in the shade) and watch them all day.
Catrina dolls - Pat got one this year to add to his collection for his altar.
The Community Altar where I think anyone could add to the display for a loved one.
Pat and William enjoying the music of the Mariachi Band.
Hopefully, this is just the beginning of nice weather weekends and we can start breathing the fresh air and enjoying some time outdoors before the heat sets in again.
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