Emma and Anne - I have known you since you were born, I watched you grow, first as your neighbor and then after we moved through your Mom's yearly newsletters, Facebook (until I deactivated), and other random catch up letters or emails from your mom. This is just one of the fun "end of year school pictures" we took every year. I think this picture was taken in June 2003. Even though we moved far away, I think of you often, I am aware of what lovely young ladies you have become and can't wait to see what the future holds for you. I wanted to share my Saturday morning bike rides with you. There is a lot of horse property near where we live and many trails to ride bikes/horses or run/walk whatever you please. One of the trails I go on is next to a canal and one runs along the power lines, the one thing they have in common is they seem to back up to a lot of horse property, and that brings me to thinking about you two each and every time. Some homes have huge acreage with jumping areas and then, of course, they are right on the trails to ride whenever they feel like it. I took some photos so you can see some of the things I see.

They had quite a few horses at this place. I had never seen horses lay down before but there are two of them on the ground. Don't make fun of me I am not a horse person.
Do you notice the foal there getting ready to feed?
Here is another foal, pretty brave off by himself not near the mother.
There were four horses at this property and they were pretty friendly coming right by the fence where I had stopped to take their pictures. Makes me sad that they put the power lines right over their fields, sometimes right in their fields. I don't think that is good, but I am no authority.
This one had long hair, not sure what breed he is but you probably know.
This one was super friendly came right up to the fence and followed me along. Isn't he beautiful?
I hope you enjoyed these pictures and know that I think of you two often and wish you the best in whatever you do.