A couple weeks ago as the thermometer crawled near 100 degrees, Pat and I took a trip out east to explore in the Globe/Miami area where it is usually 20 degrees cooler. We are no strangers to this area, for some reason I am drawn to Miami. Check out one of our earlier trips to the area here. It is another old mining town that has seen better days. Even though they have resurrected mining in Miami, most of the town is filled with rundown and abandoned buildings. I have a photography project in mind that has me looking for interesting doors and Miami had plenty available.
This pharmacy was for sale. A lot of buildings/businesses are for sale in Miami.
One of my favorite doors.
This one actually is a private residence, or so that little sign says if you could read it. Do you see Pat in the reflection?
On the way home we stopped at Los Hermanos in Superior for dinner. This place was featured in Arizona Highways Best Restaurants 2013 edition. It is a small town tavern/restaurant popular with locals as well as tourists. The food was really good, authentic homemade Mexican food. I had Chiles Relleno, more than I could finish; Pat had a burro and cup of green chile and a large margarita. Everything is reasonably priced, I believe our bill came to sixteen dollars and we were stuffed. Definitely will stop here again when out in the area.