Mike decided to get his hair cut. He has been growing his hair pretty much since that fateful haircut in the winter of 6th grade. We all remember how he wore a hooded sweatshirt for weeks after that. He has had it trimmed over the past three and a half years but never another drastic short cut. Mike's hair was really long, longer than my hair ever was back in my long hair days. I think he originally started to grow his hair out because of how annoyed I was about it. After it grew past the stage where it hung straight down in his face and danced in his food, I began to like the long hair. Even I must admit that he had hair to be envied. It is a gorgeous brown color (the pictures don't do it justice), it is straight (never giving in to the humidity) and it is thick. Hair to be envied. Mike is very happy with his new look and I am very much relieved that he likes it. It was a huge change and for someone that does not deal well with change the whole experience could have been a nightmare (something reminiscent of the nightmare in 6th grade). I think he lost a few pounds by getting it cut off and I am sure he will feel a lot better in this heat without all that hair on his head.
Hi Aunt Nancy!
Wow...Mike's hair was longer than mine is now...
I like the new cut. ^_^
Pete's is about as long, in back, as Mike's is now. I made the mistake of letting him know that I actually think it looks good longer, so I expect him to rebel and get a buzz cut any day now!
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