Friday, November 29, 2013

Chihuly 2013

When I saw that the Desert Botanical Gardens were going to be having another Chihuly exhibit, we renewed our long lapsed membership. We haven't been to the gardens in probably 3 years, not sure why. Nothing really sparked my interest until now. I love looking at the glass work and how they fit the pieces to blend so well with the natural landscaping. Pat and I went on a Sunday morning, which also happened to be the day they were holding their chiles and chocolate festival, so it was a doubly good day. Mary and Kevin were in town the weekend before Thanksgiving and it rained/drizzled on and off the entire weekend. We did manage to walk around the exhibit for a short time at night and enjoyed seeing the glasswork in a different light. The exhibit is here until May 18, 2014, so I am sure I will get in a few more visits before it moves on. Now for your viewing pleasure:

 Just had to throw in this blooming cactus cause it was so pretty.
 If you look hard you can see our reflection in the glass ball.
I thought I was at "the bean".
 Boat full of glass
This is what I mean about blending in to the environment, some of these "sticks" are cacti and some are black and green reeds of glass installed for the exhibit.

  This is the sun.

 Don't we all look like we are loving our walk in the cold rainy weather? This is when we arrived before the rain started.
Rain or shine I love this exhibit and can't wait to go back and work on my photography.

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