Friday, August 7, 2009

On the Road To, In and Around Sedona

We got a late start on our trip to Sedona/Oak Creek. I had a dentist appointment at 7 AM and expected to be done by 7:30, I mean all they had to do was superglue a couple crowns in my mouth, how hard could that be. At 8:30 after having my mouth open for 1.5 hours and almost swallowing one of those crowns I was done, finally! So it was closer to 9:30 by the time we left for our third adventure in geocaching. Check out the huge truck full of hay that for some reason had to cut in front of us on the highway going 75!!! OMG did I mention I get carsick? That didn't help at all.

One of the spots we went to for a cache was a Catholic church in Sedona, in a most gorgeous area with breathtaking views. We didn't actually go into the church, but the outside areas were really nice. They had multiple different sitting areas with these great stone benches and statues with candles, nice places for meditation, sitting and enjoying the purple mountains majesty and feeling the swirl of energy as the vortex surrounds you. (If you're into that) They also had the Stations of the Cross outside, going around the perimeter of the church and buildings. Very relaxing, very beautiful, a nice trip.

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