Saturday, January 12, 2013

Winter Break Ends

Mike has been home for one month for winter break. Classes begin on Monday so Pat drove him back to school to get settled in and ready to begin the new semester. I don't think I have mentioned how Mike came home from school and announced that he needed to get glasses that he was having trouble seeing "things". I naively thought "things" were the whiteboard at school or something school related, turned out the "things" were related to his tv and video games. Now let me digress here back to 6th or 7th grade when the eye check at school indicated a possible need for glasses and I dutifully took Mike to the eye doctor where he announced that he didn't care what any doctor said he wasn't getting glasses. OK fine, I am not buying glasses for someone that won't wear them. After the exam and the doctor recommended glasses I said, well I want to evaluate how great the need is, because he is refusing to wear any glasses and don't even mention contacts around him he flips. The doctor said it was not so bad now that he HAD to have them, but he did not see Mike ever passing the eye exam to get a driver's license. HAHA he didn't know we would live in the land of just give out the license to anyone that applies so that didn't turn into a problem.
This announcement of Mike's that he wanted to go get glasses caught me off guard to say the least but knowing how he is I quickly got him in the next day to get checked out. One week later we picked them up and Mike was amazed at how different the world looked through his new glasses. Claims he thought how he was seeing was normal, but now things are in High Definition. That doesn't mean however that he will be wearing them all the time, only when he "needs" to and apparently only "needs" to when he is playing video games. I think he looks good in his glasses and am posting pictures here only because I feel safe that he doesn't ever read my blog. Well to be honest probably only 2 or 3 people do and one is me. HAHA.....

Looking very studious here with the glasses on. All set to begin another semester at school. Study hard, keep up the good grades and remember to make time for some fun.

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