Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Rant No. 5 - Baggers

Okay, I already know they are not the best paid people on the planet, however what ever happened to taking pride in the job you do no matter what it is? Last night at the grocery store I had 3 half gallon containers, orange juice, milk and chocolate milk. The young man was bagging my groceries and asked if I wanted the milk in a bag. I said yes, please. So he placed all three in one cheap little plastic bag. HELLO. Those bags can barely carry more than one item without ripping and now I have three, half gallon jugs in it. Then another favorite is when they just shove things in the bag instead of halfway trying to make them fit nicely. The boxes rip a hole in the bag and they just keep on shoving, you are lucky to get the bags to the car and in the house without picking up every item individually. I think maybe a little more time should be taken on training the baggers how to bag.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My local Dominick's NEVER has enough baggers. So, the cashier will check the groceries and have to bag them too. A lot of customers at the store bag their own. I don't. I ignore the glares of the checker as she waits for me to start bagging. I have even told them "Sorry I can't help you, but if all the customers bag then the store will never hire more help. If I wanted to bag my own groceries I would shop at Aldi."

Hmmm ... you may have something with this online rant thing, Nancy. I feel better already.

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