Sunday, November 25, 2007

Rant No. 6 - Kiosks at the Mall

In general I don't have a problem with the kiosks at the malls that take up all the walking space and you have to maneuver around which becomes increasingly hard during the holiday season. My problem with them is that the salespeople feel the need or are forced by their employer to feel the need to talk to you as you walk by. If they just wanted friendly conversation that would be one thing, but they don't. They want to tell me how much better my skin would look if I bought one of every thing on the cart, or how my nails need to be buffed and moisturized and some things I don't even know about, or there is the nail art that no one can live without, or the things that look like hot pads that you put in the microwave and wear around your neck to relieve your stress. It gets to be too much, to be accosted every few feet by someone hawking their wares makes me want to rant. They have prime location in the mall, you can't get through without seeing them, so quit bothering everyone, if I want what they have I will stop and look, until then all they get from me is a very disgusted shake of my head. end of rant

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