Monday, May 12, 2008

I Have Been Tagged

I am very excited to say I have been tagged. Let me explain. I spend a fair amount of my free time checking out other blogs and if one interests me, I bookmark it and read it whenever I can. One such blog is Jennifer's. I have been checking it out for quite a while and really enjoy what she writes, I never leave her blog without a smile on my face, she is very straight forward and tells it like it is and I love it. One day she wrote about how many hits she receives and that since there aren't that many comments she may restrict her blog and you would need a password to read it. Panic stricken I e-mailed her and identified myself and asked if she did that to please let me continue to visit. She e-mailed back, has signed my guestbook, and now she has tagged me. I feel like a real part of the blogging community now. Problem will be me trying to find people to tag. I may just pick random blogs out of the rolls and tag people, who knows.

For my book I have chosen: for one more day by Mitch Albom.

And here is the meme:

Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
Open the book to page 123.
Find the 5th sentence.
Post the next 3 sentences.
Tag 5 people.

Was Pittsburgh really scouting me?

What if they are?" he said. "It don't change what you gotta do, Chick.

Okay now to tag five (make it two) people, I tag Mary and Tara. Jennifer thanks again for tagging me.

1 comment:

TaraMetBlog said...

well here is a classic scene from Gone With the Wind:
"You aren't fit to wipe his boots!" she shouted in rage.
"And you were going to hate him all your life!" He sank down on the sofa and she heard him laughing.
If she could have killed him, she would have done it. Instead, she walked out of the room with such dignity as she could summon and banged the heavy door behind her.

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