Saturday, October 13, 2007

Birthday Dinner

The trip was to celebrate William's birthday and for dinner he wanted crab. We went to The Fishmarket which was in the North Harbor area. William had a pound of King Red Crab Legs and he finished all of it. He was so stuffed that he didn't even want to order dessert.
The North Harbor area was quite interesting. There is a maritime museum where you can tour some very old ships and they also had the USS Midway docked there. It is an aircraft carrier and to say it is huge is an understatement. I have never seen a ship that big, the planes actually looked small on it. They also had a much larger than life statue of the famous "Soldier kissing nurse" photo. Unfortunately it was dark when we were there, so there are no photos to show how large it is. Suffice it to say that Pat barely came up to the knee on the nurse.
It was a good birthday dinner, a good time was eventually had by all and the birthday boy was happy.

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