Monday, October 15, 2007

Rant No. 2 - The Snowbirds

It is that time of year again, the weather is getting cool up north, it is still beautiful around here and the snowbirds a/k/a "the seniors" are headed south for the winter. Around the beginning of October you start to notice the erratic drivers on the road. I love the arrival of the seniors as much as the local economy does. They are delightful to watch at the mall, at stores, at the movies but not so much on the road. You know they are here when you are forever stomping on your brakes to avoid hitting them. They seem to think they are they only ones on the road, They will be be going 45 and realize that was the road they wanted, stop dead and turn right or left from the wrong lane it doesn't matter. I say you take your life in your own hands for the next six months while they are here. It is far better to just watch out for them and practice the virtue of patience than it is to get frustrated because it seems to be a fact of life. They are here every winter, they boost the local economy, they can't drive. What can you do, if you can't beat them, join them.

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