Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Rant No. 3a - People at the Movies

Crowded movie theaters are pretty much a fact of life here in Arizona. It is so hot that there is not much else to do, it is entertaining and air conditioned. The problem is that a lot of people have lost track of common manners. Who sits through a movie talking the entire time as if they were at home alone talking to themselves? Who brings young children to dark, scary movies? Who brings crying infants to a movie theater? The people around here do. I have had the pleasure (not so much) of sitting next to a woman who talked through all of Mr. Bean's Holiday, telling Mr. Bean what to do and on and on. Then there were the people that brought young toddlers to a Harry Potter movie. Those movies are dark and scary to me an out of my mind 50 something, yet they couldn't understand why the kids were crying to leave. The crying babies are the worst, I have only two words for people that think it is necessary to bring an infant to a movie: STAY HOME. Actually one movie's annoying crying baby wasn't even human, it was one of those High School projects that are suppose to teach teenagers what it is like to be a parent taking care of something for 24 hours. Didn't seem to put a crimp in their style as they just lugged the doll into the theater and then didn't even know how to turn it off. I won't even get into the flicker of cell phones from seats down below. Really how important are you that you can't sit through a 90 minute movie without texting someone. A legend in your own mind I am sure.

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